The VOX youth have not stopped during the quarantine. On the contrary, since the State of Alarm was declared in Spain, they have been put at the service of our elders to accompany them during this health crisis.
Coordinated by the head of Youth, Luis Felipe Ulecia, the youngest of this training in Códoba, Barcelona, Lérida, Tarragona, Castellón, Zaragoza, Guadalajara, Murcia, Lorca and Cartagena have organized to make the purchase from our elders, one of the risk groups who are advised not to leave home under any circumstances.
These provinces have been joined by Almería, Granada, Malaga and Seville, where the youngest have set up a phone number to accompany elderly people who are alone and need company during the period of confinement.
“Our elders have worked hard and very hard. Now we are the young people who have the opportunity to thank the effort they have made throughout their lives, "says Ulecia.
The head of Youth estimates that each of the provinces has served about 150 people weekly since the health crisis began. And remember that your teams have had hard times during this period of volunteering. "In one of the residences we went to help, the Mother Superior began to cry as soon as we arrived because the elderly who lived there were dying," recalls Ulecia.
However, the youth of VOX also do not forget the rest of society. For this reason, in Lleida and Tarragona, they teach online classes to students who need support during this period of class suspension.
In the same way, the young people of this training collaborate in the preparation and distribution of masks in the provinces of Andalusia. And throughout Spain, they have carried out numerous campaigns to thank workers.
In Barcelona, the youngest have also opted for the purchase and distribution of material for restrooms and police. And in Seville, they have distributed food in hospitals, as well as to the Forces of the Order. An initiative to which Albacete youth will join in the coming days.