The Ministry of Labor, Migration and Social Security has created, through Ministerial order, the Observatory for the fight against fraud in the field of Social Security, whose objective is to prevent and fight against fraud to recover the resources lost by the Social Security System for breach of obligations and irregular behavior.

It is a collegiate body, dependent on the General Treasury of Social Security, in which the management entities -National Institute of Social Security, Social Institute of the Navy and the TGSS itself- will collaborate, the Labor and Security Inspection Social and the Legal Service of the Social Security Administration. In addition to the institutional collaboration, the most representative trade union and business organizations also participate. It is an organization that has its antecedent in which it was launched in 2006.

The norm published today conceives the Observatory as a forum of meeting between different organizations, entities and social agents that pursue common interests in the fight against fraud for the study and formulation of proposals for action in this area, evaluation of results and dissemination and awareness Social.

Prevention and correction of fraud

The objectives of the Observatory include the prevention, detection and correction of Social Security fraud. For this, from the new body proposals for studies and data analysis will be made to detect possible irregular behaviors and fraud in terms of affiliation, contribution and collection, in particular, of undue perception of benefits and benefits of the System.

Likewise, specific control and inspection action plans and proposals for regulatory changes will be developed, if necessary. Finally, the Observatory will monitor the actions and analysis of the results and will disclose the reports that are issued specifically and an annual summary or in which the fraud situation in that period is collected.

The Observatory, whose norm of creation foresees its functioning in Plenary and in Provincial Commissions, will begin its journey in the month of September since, as it gathers the text, the Plenary and the Provincial Commissions will be constituted in a term not superior to three months from the entry into force of the order.

The fight against Social Security fraud is a strategic objective for the General Treasury of Social Security. Its competences include the development of this project that adopts a comprehensive treatment approach for its prevention. This reinforces the trust and credibility of the Social Security System.

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