World Day of the Russian Language

Russia is very far away. So much so that we often forget the fruits of their culture. That's why in PlanetadeBooks we have proposed to make a small collection of books dedicated to your language. From great classics to books to learn the language.

Going through the Cyrillic alphabet, obviously, so that the 'K' becomes an 'A' naturally. You know, a way to expand our Russian vocabulary beyond the steppe, the mountain and the salad. There goes our selection of books on the occasion of World Day of the Russian Language:

The classic of León Tolstoy, Ana Karenina. This writer has an unclassifiable nature. His own ghosts are interwoven in this book, where he portrays the Russian urban bourgeoisie from the figure of its protagonist. Ana Karenina will have to face a society that is pure vanity. A character with an immense stele in world literature, which will be lost in a drift that will travel through the city and the more rural area, or what is considered the 'field', of Russia.

Crime and Punishment. The also classic Fyodor Dostoevsky It is a safe bet for the most demanding readers and enthusiastic about the depth of the characters. In this story, the author confronts his protagonist, Raskolnikov, with his inner ghosts. Without a kopex in your pocket, you will have to make decisions that many times will overflow your conscience. A reflection on the guilt and the way of facing it that will take its main character to delirium.

The considered first Russian modern novel, Dead souls, of Nikolai Gogol. Advancing to European realism, this author portrays the Russian society of the moment bordering on the caricature accent. Its protagonist, Pável, has a clever plan to get a house in property: he tries to swindle to get the properties of recently killed servants, the "dead souls", to sell them and keep the capital. Misery and mischief leave their wink in this novel of crude description.

Russian for Dummies Y Writing notebooks for Dummies. These two books will be your perfect tool to begin to introduce in this language. Unknown almost by antonomasia with Spanish. The two build knowledge as a pyramid, starting with the foundations (basic grammatical forms, verbs and Cyrillic alphabet) and ending with constructions of slightly more complex sentences. Even so, they have very useful sections of conversation, where they teach practical phrases to, for example, do business. The first also includes a small Russian-Spanish dictionary.

Russian for the traveler. An essential book if you want to launch the adventure to Eastern Europe. Based only on specific communicative situations, very common in the day to day of the traveler. From buying a coffee to booking a hotel. This guide is completely practical, but it will allow you to move comfortably in a communicative space that you are not used to.

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