
YE. the King, Felipe VI, will preside the next Wednesday, June 3, a working meeting with the presidents of the business organizations members of the Iberoamerican Business Council-CEIB and of the International Organization of Employers-OIE, under the title: ‘More Iberoamerica, our common company’. They will intervene in the act the Ibero-American Secretary General, Rebeca Grynspan; the Minister of Industry, Commerce and Tourism, Reyes Maroto; the president of CEOE, Antonio Garamendi; its OIE counterpart, Erol Kiresepi; and the president of CEIB and the Andorran Business Confederation, Gerard Cadena.

The meeting, which will be held in person for Spanish participants from the CEOE headquarters in Madrid, where the Permanent Secretary of CEIB is located, and virtual for Ibero-American participants, at 18:00 (Spanish time), It will serve to analyze the situation that the Region is going through, the priorities of companies to come out stronger after the crisis and the role that business organizations are developing in the common objective of reinforcing and promoting Ibero-America, especially in these difficult times.


The presidents of the CEIB-OIE member business organizations of Argentina (UIA), Miguel A. Acevedo; Bolivia (CEPB), Luis Fernando Barbery; Brazil (CNI), Robson Braga de Andrade; Chile (CPC), Juna Sutil; Colombia (ANDI), Bruce Mac Master; Costa Rica (UCCAEP), Álvaro Sáenz; Ecuador (CIG and CIP), Caterina Costa and Pablo Zambrano; El Salvador (ANEP), Javier Ernesto Siman; Spain (CEOE), Antonio Garamendi; Guatemala (CACIF), Nils Leporowski; Honduras (COHEP), Juan Carlos Sakaffi; Mexico (COPARMEX and CONCAMIN), Gustavo de Hoyos and Francisco Cervantes; Nicaragua (COSEP), José Adán; Panama (CONEP), Julio de Lastra; Paraguay (FEPRINCO), Gustavo Volpe; Peru (CONFIEP), María Isabel León de Céspedes; Portugal (CIP), Antonio Saraiva; Dominican Republic (COPARDOM), Juan Alfredo de la Cruz; Uruguay (CNCS and CIU), Julio Lestido and Gabrriel Murara; and Venezuela (FEDECÁMARAS), Ricardo Cusanno.

YE. the King, Felipe VI, will intervene in the closing session to close the act.

The meeting is not transmitted in its entirety live, as it is a Work meeting.

But to open the contents to public opinion and facilitate the work of the media, detailed information will be sent on the main issues addressed, with an audiovisual summary of the interventions by H.M. the King and the CEOE president.

(The material – photographs and video – will be available around 7:30 p.m.).

YE. the King chairs a working meeting with the presidents of CEIB.OIE business organizations

It is not transmitted in full live, as it is a work meeting.

Wednesday, June 3 at 6:00 p.m. (Spanish time) and 11:00 a.m. (Mexico time)

Headquarters of CEOE (Calle Diego de León, 50. Madrid)

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