Yolanda Díaz exposes in the Congress the lines of work of the Ministry of Labor and Social Economy

In this first appearance as a minister, she has exposed the lines of action of her department in the coming months.

False Autonomous

Among the priority areas of action is the fight against the so-called false self-employed: "This government will protect the rights of people who, in fact being employed by others, are forced to operate as autonomous against their will", has Diaz explained. It will be a step forward in the defense of the rights of employees of digital platforms such as so-called riders, home delivery.

Labor will strengthen inspections and sanctions against fraudulent practices. In addition, using the big data tool will identify the sectors and companies that repeat the most in this practice. "Let's put the algorithms at the service of the workers for once," said the minister.

Fight against precariousness

During his presentation in the Lower House, Yolanda Díaz has reinforced his commitment to decent employment: "our great challenge is that Spain is a country where decent work prevails as the basis of an advanced society."

Therefore, the Government of Spain will sign conventions 177, 188, 189 and 190 of the International Labor Organization (ILO) that regulate working conditions in different sectors to "promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth" as it says in Section 8 of the UN Sustainable Development Goals.

In response to the high rates of temporality, control of the fulfillment of contracts will be reinforced: "the efforts will focus on the use of temporary hiring concatenated by the same worker or position, the fraudulent use of the part-time contract with non-working hours declared, "Díaz explained.

Benefit Reform

The Minister of Labor and Social Economy has announced that this year will address the reform of the unemployment protection system to unify subsidy protection. In this way, the benefits and, consequently, the coverage rate can be expanded and improved. A derivative effect will be the improvement of administrative efficiency to manage these benefits.

In the appearance, the commitment to update the benefits has also been evident. The Public Indicator of Multiple Effects Income will be revalued: "We will raise the IPREM and study objectify the mechanisms of action," announced the head of Labor.

Work Safety

The "important" reinforcement of the Labor Inspectorate will be vital to achieve the objectives of the ministry. So much for the fight against the fraud in the hiring as to create some safe workspaces, influencing, especially, in the prevention.

Big data will also be essential to "find outbreaks of accidents and prevent accidents and occupational diseases," said the minister. In a permanent changing work environment, the risks in the new forms of work organization will also be addressed, taking into account the effects of outsourcing, aging and new forms of employment.

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