06-22-2019 | Cs

The 'number two' of Cs in Madrid is committed to get the PP the 'best possible agreement' in the Community to have 'a government that does not raise taxes'

"When Sanchez has the opportunity, he pacts with the independentistas, as we have seen in Navarra", has lamentedl 'number two' of Citizens (Cs) in the Community of Madrid, César Zafra, who has described as "infamous" the pact in Navarra between the Socialist Party and the independentistas. For Zafra, it has been accredited that "the preferred partners" of the acting president of the government "are Podemos and the separatists", as was already seen "last term".

Zafra has highlighted that "Citizens has been the clearest party during and after the campaign because they said they would not invest Sanchez". "Sánchez feels a certain shame when trying to hide what he really wants to do, which is to agree with Podemos and the pro-independence supporters," said the 'number two' of the orange match in Madrid, who added that "President Sánchez wants to use Citizens as an excuse to not do what he really wants to do".

"We are very sorry that, being able to have a constitutional government in Navarra, Sánchez has opted for the independence of Bildu," criticized the 'number two' of Cs in Madrid.

Zafra has also referred to the negotiations between Cs and the PP to form a government in the Community of Madrid and has stated that the objective is "Be loyal to the people of Madrid so that they have the best possible agreement with a government that does not raise taxes". In addition, he insisted that the liberal training will not agree with the Socialist Party of Madrid Gabilondo because "wants to raise taxes and because it has a preferred partner Errrejón."

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