The Spain Journal

Ana Beltrán on the attacks on the Monarchy: "We have a president who allows the pillars of the State to be diluted like a sugar cane" Today, in an interview on Radio Cadena Española

La diputada y vicesecretaria de Organización, Ana Beltrán

  • It is "extremely serious" that the Prime Minister has committed a "historical betrayal of the constitutional order" and that "he does not affect or criticize" the words of his ministers against the King. "Sánchez is ready to do anything to continue at Moncloa," he adds.
  • He explains that this attack on the Monarchy comes from the government itself and its ministers and Sánchez has said "absolutely nothing" to them, neither to his vice-president Iglesias, nor to minister Garzón or minister Castells, who only appears for this
  • It highlights that these statements are “a constant affront to the pillars of the State, not to respect the separation of powers. We have a president who is allowing the pillars of the State to be diluted like a sugar "
  • "We view the political scene with extreme concern because President Sánchez needs these ministers to govern and prefers power over his country," he underlines
  • Announces that the PP will present motions in defense of the constitutional order in all Town Halls, Provincial Councils and Parliaments where it has representation from the Popular Party
  • Remember that yesterday the Navarra Socialist Party voted against a motion in defense of the King yesterday
  • He relates that the PP has waged a battle to end the Squatting and in defense of private property throughout Spain through motions in institutions, collection of signatures and a Proposal of Law in Congress
  • He defends the management of the health crisis in Madrid by President Isabel Díaz Ayuso and denounces Sánchez's “fixation” with Madrid

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