The Spain Journal

Arrimadas: I will send the Government a document with economic measures to fight this crisis'

03-19-2020 | Cs

The president of Cs assures that the liberal formation will continue being "propositive" and that it will "be next to the Government"

"I will return to send the government a document with economic measures to fight this crisis," announced the president of Ciudadanos (Cs), Inés Arrimadas, who recalled that the Executive has already taken, "albeit late", "many of the measures "that the liberal party sent him ten days ago. For the leader of the orange formation, it is necessary to "freeze the economy and jobs for a month or two and then unfreeze them so that they are not destroyed."

In an interview on Antena 3's 'Public Mirror' program, Arrimadas assured that Cs will "be on the side of the Government" and that he will continue to be "proactive". "We must continue advancing in the measures of social distancing because there are crowds and unnecessary displacements," said the leader of the orange party, who has acknowledged that the Government "did well to decree the state of alarm," as requested by the training.

"I have gone ahead and have been calling the president to give him our proposals against the health and economic crisis and we have been the first to reach out to the government ten days ago for national emergency budgets," Arrimadas said. In addition, the leader of the liberal party has warned that "now what was negotiated with Esquerra Republicana or the PNV is useless," referring to the accounts that Pedro Sánchez negotiated with these two parties because the situation has changed.

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