The Spain Journal

Arrimadas: 'We propose unity and consensus in the face of confrontation to avoid being swept away by the tsunami of the second wave'

10-17-2020 | Cs

The president of Cs assures in a telematic meeting with more than 2,000 affiliates that 'you do not have to choose between the blockade or the cacicada to control the CGPJ, let's make the reform proposed by Cs'

"We propose unity and consensus in the face of confrontation to avoid being swept away by the second wave tsunami." This was stated by the president of Ciudadanos (Cs), Inés Arrimadas, during a telematic meeting held with more than 2,000 affiliates and with the presence of three former public officials from different political formations such as Malena Contestí, Jesús Cuadrado and José Miguel Saval, who have decided today to take a step forward to defend together with the leader of Cs the values ​​of the liberal formation. The event was led by the national spokesperson for Cs and a member of the Permanent Committee, Melisa Rodríguez.

"The Citizens' project is more necessary than ever, few parties like ours are capable of bringing together people who come from different political projects. The constitutionalist space is so wide that if we unite, we are unstoppable," Arrimadas explained, in addition to ensuring that "we are going to vindicate politics with capital letters, of solutions and of harmony". "What do we gain by focusing all day on criticizing the one in front? Why don't we propose solutions? It is the only way out of this" because if not, "it will destroy us in this second wave of the pandemic. Now we are going To see who put the umbrella wrong if a tsunami comes and is going to destroy us? ", the leader of the orange formation asked.

Arrimadas has also referred to the reform of the General Council of the Judiciary, warning that "we must not choose between the blockade or the cacicada to control the CGPJ, let us make the reform proposed by Cs" that also "Europe asks us" it consists of depoliticization. " The reform proposed by PSOE and United We Can "may endanger European aid to get out of the pandemic," the leader of the liberal party has warned. In addition, it has been shown "in agreement with the words of the head of the State in relation to the concord, since this moment cannot be used to weaken more to Spain".

I answered, Cuadrado and Saval have agreed on the need to unite the country and the whole of Spaniards at a time like the current crisis, claiming the 'third Spain' of agreement and consensus. Thus, Malena Contestí, who was a deputy for Vox in the last legislature, has stressed that "we are liberal" and "we want to join forces to reach solutions, we are committed to equality and progress." "There will come a time when people will realize that neither fist nor flag can be eaten, populist marketing is fine." For his part, Jesús Cuadrado, from the PSOE, points out that "in Spain today the dilemma is liberal democracy or populism, not left or right", and trusts that "Citizens have the ability to unite the whole of Spanish society in a deep crisis from which it will be difficult for us to get out, breaking the polarization and pulling us out of the trenches. " Meanwhile, the one who was a PP deputy in the V legislature of the Congress of Deputies, José Miguel Saval, has stressed that “being a center is looking citizens in the eye, treating them as adults and telling them the truth, no matter how painful it is. let it be "." First the citizens and then the territories, that's how you were born "has concluded.

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