The Spain Journal

Arrimadas will make its first meeting as president of Cs before a thousand members next Tuesday telematically

04-26-2020 | Cs

The Cs leader will answer for an hour in a telematic café with a thousand affiliates to her questions in a virtual event, massive and unprecedented in Spain

Next Tuesday, the president of Ciudadanos (Cs), Inés Arrimadas, will hold her first meeting with affiliates since her election as leader of the orange formation. It will be an innovative event in Spanish politics where 1,000 members can ask their questions live and electronically to the president of the training. The activity, which is called ’60 minutes of Telematic Coffee with Inés Arrimadas ’, will begin at 5:00 p.m. and will last one hour.

The call among the affiliates has been a success and the number of applications to participate in this telematic café has exceeded the party's expectations. From Cs they already anticipate that they will repeat the initiative so that the militants who have been on the waiting list can participate. This meeting, with an innovative, pioneering and unprecedented format in Spain, once again demonstrates Cs' commitment to the use of new technologies.

The confirmed affiliates will be able to share an hour of conversation with the president of Cs, but also with the general secretary, Marina Bravo; the first deputy secretary, Carlos Cuadrado and the deputy spokesman in Congress, Edmundo Bal. The telematic coffee will be held live through a virtual meeting platform and will allow affiliates to ask questions in real time thanks to various mobile messaging applications enabled for the meeting.

These 60 minutes of virtual interaction will allow members to transmit their concerns to some of the members of the new Executive Committee in the first person, and also to analyze the health, economic and social situation we are experiencing through COVID-19. In turn, they can also chat about the new stage of Cs, two days after the telematic celebration of the V General Assembly of the party.

The orange training continues to innovate through the use of digital tools to be closer to its members and to Spanish society as a whole. This telematic café joins other telematic initiatives already launched by Cs in recent weeks, such as the telematic celebration of the V General Assembly of the party next Thursday, April 30, its telematic press conferences or the talks held by many of their positions in social networks.

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