The Spain Journal

Casado announces that the PP has requested judicial protection so that the images of Barajas are not destroyed after the meeting of Ábalos and Delcy Rodríguez Today, in Radio

Pablo Casado durante la entrevista en Esradio

The PP has gone to a court of guard to request amparo and that the tests of the cameras of the airport of the meeting of the minister Ábalos and the number two of Maduro are not destroyed. He has also registered the appearance of the general director of AENA.

Stresses that the gerifaltes of the Venezuelan regime begin to take out gold and foreign currency from the country because they know they will end up falling and warns that the links of Podemos with the Chavista regime and the ties of Zapatero and the PSOE with the Maduro regime they are laundering, They will end up knowing.

He denounces that the government's change of opinion about Venezuela is unfair to "the heroic Venezuelan opposition" and "shameful" to Spain.

He says that what he proposed yesterday to Sanchez "was not a ruse" but to give stability "to the country supporting the budgets in exchange for resigning from the negotiating table, disabling Torra, not reforming the Criminal Code to grant pardons by the door of Behind, don't name Dolores Delgado FGE and recognize Juan Guaidó.

“Yesterday we left the mantra that tries to impose the Government of Sanchez saying that we are crispadores and radicals. Said of the person who agrees with Bildu, Esquerra and Podemos, is something curious. "

Reiterates the ten State agreements offered by the PP on democratic regeneration, institutional independence, tax reduction, maintaining labor reform and the defense of Spanish farmers in the negotiation of the CAP.

He states that the reliability and Sanchez "do not marry very well" and remarks that yesterday he asked him to comply with what he said in the electoral debate four days before going to the polls.

"It's not that the PP has no alternative, it's that the PSOE launches probe balloons." The alternative has been overshadowed with the smoke curtains they consider urgent. ”

He reproaches Sanchez that he is more concerned with the renewal of the CGPJ than with the issues that "take away the dream of the Spaniards" such as pensions, quality education or employment.

Advances that the PP will request an investigation commission to clarify what happened in the Zaldíbar landfill and that the PNV give explanations of its corruption cases and if it is true that the Government is demanding the rupture of the single Social Security box.

She criticizes the silence of Minister Ribera on this issue because, according to her irony, "the PNV manages very well and is very honest."

Bet on reissuing the "union of the different" that we have the same constitutional principles in the Basque Country and highlights the brave and defense of freedom that the Basque PP treasures.

He thinks that the important thing is that in the next general elections we go together and in the regional elections a different alternative is proposed to the one that the left is drawing with the independence workers. Sanchez's Government is not a "biblical curse" and can be reversed.

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