The Spain Journal

Casado proposes a commission of inquiry, a victim care office and a permanent monument Today, in his speech before the National Board of Directors

El presidente nacional del Partido Popular, Pablo Casado, interviene en la Junta Directiva Nacional

• It also proposes a state tribute and to set the annual commemoration date for the victims of the coronavirus in Spain, in addition to advancing the exemption from inheritance tax for family members

• He assures that the Government "tries to cover his responsibility by hiding 16,000 unrecognized deaths" and claims "to know the truth because it is the only way that this tragedy will not be repeated". "The truth always breaks through, sooner rather than later", sentence

• “We have to make this tragedy the beginning of the best Spain possible. It is the moment of greatness, because great is the challenge and great is the sacrifice that it demands ”

• “We are not moved by hatred of anything or anyone, we are moved by love for the life and future of the Spanish” • “We are not going to get into any room of panic. We are going to tell what happens, but above all we are going to say what we want to happen. We must do it knowing that there is a center-left voter that socialism has not only forgotten, but has deceived. "

• Warns the PP of Sánchez's intentions to launch a "stage of social fracture" and asks the party to flee from the division and confrontation that the Government uses as its political roadmap, "of whoever intends to erect walls in instead of building bridges ”

• He considers that the 16,000 million that the Government promises for the Autonomous Communities “are very far from the 240,000 million that the PP launched with its supplier plan and the Autonomous Liquidity Fund (FLA) that allowed to clean up the regional accounts

• “Lessons of solidarity from the party that destroyed millions of jobs, cut pensions and social spending, not one”

• Ensures that it has always been guided by "the ethics of responsibility, coherence, credibility and trust, even if that had a cost, even if they are ineffective short-term weapons against lies, hypocrisy and cynicism"

• "What the government has to explain is the specific added cost that the crises have for the Spanish when the socialists rule"

• Reflects on how the two serious deficiencies that the Government had at the beginning of this crisis have worsened: “A fragility of the most radical and eccentric government coalition in Spanish democratic history and a devastating economic management”

• He ensures that his party will not “impose that old abnormality as new normal with the complicit silence of the PP ”

• “Sánchez has spent two years without proposing anything and ruling out in advance any path that leads to political consensus, true economic and social progress, and institutional and constitutional system strengthening”

• Explain that “the spirit of harmony is to avoid putting on the table what is known to be unacceptable to the rest. I do not know anyone further from that spirit than this Government ”

• “Being moderate is adjusting the words and actions to the reality of what is happening. We will never contribute to the spiral of division and confrontations that the left wants to unleash. ”

• Stresses that you cannot bet on “bread for today and hunger for tomorrow” and recalls that 3 months ago the PP proposed a shock plan to alleviate the economic and social crisis, which was later reinforced in the Plan Activamos España

• Stresses that in February he offered Sánchez at his meeting in La Moncloa a “Commitment to Spain"," A hand outstretched to talk about the real problems of the people ", and today" has not received any proposal "

• “To say that this is a very dangerous Government for the rights and money of the Spanish is our obligation. We cannot give up anything that belongs to us as an opposition to effectively defend the interests of the Spanish "

• “Our essential function as a political party is to unite, not to separate. That is why we denounce those who divide, polarize and seek disagreements to grow in their own at the cost of everyone's. "

• “I don't ask that we stop talking about each other. What I ask is that once we start talking about everyone, "he adds

• Calls for people to start “thinking about the cost of non-Spain and the cost of non-Europe. The absence of a calm and objective reflection on our serious institutional inefficiencies has costs ”

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