The Spain Journal

CEOE requests the continuity of the agreed protection and accompaniment measures to give certainty and confidence

Hospitality day

Despite the apparently positive evolution of Social Security affiliation data in a traditionally negative month for employment, and this year strongly affected by the evolution of the pandemic and health containment measures, the uneven recovery of the different sectors of activity and the critical situation that, as the data reveal, some of them are going through.

Thus, unemployment is growing by more than 25,000 people, basically focused on the service sectors, -with 24,959 more unemployed-, who are being deeply affected by the outbreaks and the sanitary restriction and containment measures.

On the other hand, the increase in affiliation in more than 31,500 people falls mainly in the education sector, with an increase in 31,582 affiliates, in administrative activities and auxiliary services with 12,984 more employed persons, and in the public sector with 12,953 more people ; increases that clearly respond to the greater demand for professionals to respond to measures of social distancing and staff turnover.

However, these figures contrast with the critical situation of the hospitality sector, with a new drop in membership, in almost 78,000 employed persons in the General Regime and more than 3,100 in the Self-Employed Regime, being one of the most affected by the second wave of the pandemic and the health containment measures, taking into account, in addition, that they have about 334,500 members in ERTE.

Its capacity to resist the prolongation of this situation over time beyond what we all would like is worrying, so it is essential to intensify aid to the sector.

The facts are showing that the ERTEs and the cessation of activity of the self-employed are helping to alleviate the destruction of the productive fabric and employment, so it is urgent to give certainty and confidence to companies and workers through the continuity of these measures of protection and support, agreed with the social partners, adapting them in terms and conditions and simplifying procedures.

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