The Spain Journal

Eloy Suárez: “The public procurement decree of PSOE and Podemos is a law fraud that opens the door to corruption” During the debate of the Royal Decree-Law of Public Procurement in the Plenary

El diputado del GPP en el Congreso de los Diputados, Eloy Suárez

  • The deputy of the PP stresses that "everyone" is warning that it is "a setback to repeal article 188 and allow unlimited contracts can be chained."
  • He reproaches the PSOE and the United We can their ability to constantly amend themselves, since they made flag of the limitation of the minor contracts that they now intend to eliminate.
  • He emphasizes that the Court of Auditors has focused on the “use and abuse” that many municipalities of the minor contract have made, mainly those governed by United We Can.
  • It denounces that "the Government invades again the powers of the Congress with a macrodecreto", and emphasizes that in nine months the Executive has presented 28 decrees.
  • Disassemble the urgency argument, which the Government uses to approve this Decree, given the threat of a fine remembering that Sánchez has been in office for 18 months and has presented 28 decrees in 9 months. "It is your responsibility," he reproaches the Government.
  • "Neither Sánchez nor Iglesias now care to change a law they passed 18 months ago and that opens the doors of corruption with minor contracts."
  • Remember that the PP Government approved the bill in 2016 and after twelve months of negotiation, including more than 80% of the amendments submitted, the PSOE and United We refused to ratify it despite the risk of Spain being fined. "Then they didn't care about the fine," he adds.
  • It accuses the Government of resorting to the legislative figure of the royal decree-law to avoid reports because of its "inability to forge agreements with other political forces." "They have been in Moncloa for almost two years and have been unable to approve some Budgets, they continue to live on the one approved by the PP three years ago," he says.

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