The Spain Journal

Foment and the City Council are committed to promoting safe and competitive Barcelona for the past 30 years

The first deputy mayor of the Barcelona City Council, Jaume Collboni, the deputy mayor of Security, Albert Batlle, and the Councilor for Commerce, Markets, Internal Affairs and Finance, Montserrat Ballarín, have participated in the meeting of the Executive Committee and the Board of Directors of Treball Foment which has approved the proposals of the employers' reform in the criminal, judicial and political sphere to make a common front and overcome security problems in the city.

The president of Foment, Josep Sánchez Llibre, has presented the document drafted by the Legal Commission of the institution at the request of the economic sectors of tourism and commerce in Barcelona.

Both the City Council and Foment have addressed the future perspectives of the city of Barcelona and have agreed on the need to strengthen public-private collaboration to face the main challenges of the city in terms of trade, economic, tourism and security, among others.

Foment del Treball will present at this press conference this report that includes a set of proposals to ensure that Barcelona remains one of the safest cities in Europe.

In this informative meeting at the headquarters of the institution, in addition to President Sánchez Llibre, Secretary General, David Tornos, and the Vice President of the Board and Spokesperson, Virginia Guinda, several representatives of civil society will participate: Emilio Zegrí, criminal lawyer and member of the Legal Commission of Foment, Silvia Parera, president of the Tourism Commission, Santi García Nieto, president of Confecat, Manel Casals, general secretary of the Business Confederation of Hospitality and Restoration of Catalonia, Luis Sans, president of the Association of Paseo de Gracia, and Juan Guillén, president of the Consell de Gremis.

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