The Spain Journal

García Egea announces a Proposal for a Law in Congress so that an active politician can never be appointed as the State Attorney General Today, at a press conference

El secretario general, Teodoro García Egea

Holders of their statements before the media:

  • Announces a Proposal for a Law in Congress so that an active politician cannot be appointed "never again" as the State Attorney General; This initiative will regulate that some time must pass before anyone who is exercising a public office, elected or not, can fill this position.
  • “We never imagined that the Government of Sanchez could go so far as to appoint Delgado, deputy number 5 of the PSOE for Madrid, as Attorney General of the State; a gift for the independentistas, who are going to impose their legal criteria since the demonstrated partiality of Delgado will be used to weaken the judicial system ”.
  • Stresses that the PP has requested the appearance of the Minister of Foreign Affairs to explain the reopening of three offices in Catalonia abroad: “The PP will not tolerate that this opening of embassies is a payment from Sánchez to the independence workers for their investiture ”, Especially when the TSJ of Catalonia endorses the position of the PP against the change of criteria of the Government.
  • The PP has presented today the Proposal of Law announced by President Pablo Casado so that those who are escaped from Justice are declared ineligible. "The PP wants that never again a declared rebel, like Puigdemont or Comín, can stand for elections or represent citizens."
  • It warns that neither the pressures of Sanchez, nor that of Montero, nor those of Podemos, will cause the autonomous communities where the PP governs to raise taxes, as the Executive intends with the presentation of a Fiscal Harmonization Law.
  • She considers it "intolerable" that the Minister of Finance has not convened the Fiscal and Financial Policy Council for more than a year, in breach of her own regulations, and sees her as "more comfortable in a press conference with Irene Montero than in a council that does not convene , where I should talk about how the autonomous communities pay for health and education ”.
  • The Autonomous Communities and Autonomous Cities governed by the PP call on the rest, so that they join in the council's call request. It emphasizes that if Melilla joins this application, it will prosper, since it meets the minimum established in the regulations for its call.
  • He urges the Government of Sanchez to immediately communicate what he owes to the autonomous communities, because he is putting public services at risk: "He prefers to spend the money on vice-presidencies and on the agreement with Podemos rather than on health, education and social welfare."
  • “How brave Sanchez is with those who defend the Law and how submissive with those who violate it!”, Referring to the resource announced by Minister Celaá about a family authorization that has been in operation for eight months in Murcia. “It is the parents and not Sanchez who decide what extracurricular activities their children go to,” he adds.
  • He denounces that Sanchez wants to take the Murcian president to court and not Torra, who puts children inspectors at recess to check in what language the students speak.
  • "Sanchez speaks with Torra the day after being disabled while the president of Murcia has sent him eleven letters that have not been answered," says Garcia Egea, who ironic that the socialist president "threatens" to call the PP to negotiate the reform of the CGPJ, but that call has not occurred.

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