The Spain Journal

Georgina Trías to the Minister of Education: “We will not allow the indoctrination of our children”

The VOX spokeswoman in the Vocational Training area of ​​the Education commission, Georgina Trías, he recalled that article 27.3 of the Spanish Constitution establishes the essential right of parents to guarantee the education of their children. “You usually omit the article when legislating. This article guarantees parents that their children receive religious and moral training according to their own convictions. What is at stake is the education of Spanish children. ”

The VOX deputy has added the following: “We have the enormous responsibility of giving voice to all who have voted for us, to those parents who educate their children in principles, values ​​and virtues. A task that often collides with what you call the educational and professional orientation of the student with an inclusive and non-sexist perspective. ”

“We attend a family silence, today the family is the great absent of the educational and social policies of its Government. We will not allow the indoctrination of our children from that false respect for diversity that strictly responds to their ideological interests, nor will we allow the State to decide the rhythm and mode of introduction of what they call affective-sexual education and that enters fully in the privacy of people, this is the responsibility of the parents ”.

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