The Spain Journal

González Terol asks the Government to stop lying, reconsider and present an economic, legal and health plan for outbreaks In Cadiz

González Terol desde Cádiz

Reminds Sánchez that the “virus is still active” and that “the only one that has remained inactive and crossed his arms” is his Government

He criticizes that the Executive "applauds itself" after learning of the destruction of more than a million jobs and the largest drop in GDP in the history of democracy

He assures that Sánchez “trusts everything to the European mana and sells it as a success of the Government when, in reality, it is an economic rescue”

He adds that the non-existent committee of experts was reduced to a political committee where "we are sure that Tezanos was there and that he chose Fernando Simón to hide and surf improvisation, short-termism and political opportunism from the Executive"

Regrets that the Prime Minister has not yet apologized to the Spanish for their "opaque and negligent management" of the pandemic or for hiding the actual number of deaths that exceeds 45,000 Spanish

“Spain today has the dubious and sad honor of leading the world ranking in the number of people infected, of deaths per million inhabitants and of affected health workers; there are 483 active outbreaks, 5,700 infected and our country has the worst evolution of infections in Europe ", affects

The Territorial Deputy Secretary assures that "Pedro Sánchez lives in a parallel reality", perhaps due to the lack of sleep caused by having put Podemos in the Government

He remarks that the Government wants to "seize, expropriate and steal" the 15,000 million euros from the municipalities and councils saved in recent years "in order to finance what they agree with their investiture partners, Bildu, ERC and PNV"

Criticizes that, with the greatest economic crisis in history, "the Executive pretends that the municipalities finance the State"

He proposes that the Government create a municipal reconstruction fund of 5,000 million euros "unconditional and non-reimbursable", to help all municipalities

He denounces that Pablo Iglesias has turned his party, which supports the Government, “into a“ political sewer ”and asks Sánchez if he considers the case of Dina, the alleged box B or the bonuses in Podemos“ democratic hygiene ”.

“Sánchez, who in the past demanded political responsibilities left and right, systematically hides and protects his vice president and does not even allow him to appear in court. He who is silent, grants, ”he asserts.

He contrasts the "non-existent and incompetent policies" in fiscal, urban or tourist matters of the mayor of Cádiz to the "example" of Teófila Martínez and the current PP spokesman, Juan José Ortiz

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