The Spain Journal

Health and safety measures to be adopted on fishing vessels to deal with COVID-19

Health and safety measures to be adopted on fishing vessels to deal with COVID-19

The questions collected are intended to provide answers to the fishing sector on what to do in access control and prior to boarding ships, how to carry out the organization and cleaning of the ship, as well as what to do in case of a suspected or positive case of coronavirus.

Access control and prior boarding

The skipper must verify, prior to boarding, that the crew:

They have not had close contact with possible, probable or confirmed cases of COVID-19 and in the event that this type of contact exists, defer its shipment.

Verify the absence of symptoms (without cough, without respiratory problems, or fever).

Before boarding, confirm the general condition and check the fever with a thermometer. The temperature should be less than 37ÂșC.

In case of presenting symptoms, do not ship and insulate yourself at home for two weeks until complete healing.

Those people of special sensitivity with incidence in coronavirus should not board (prior medical consultation with the health surveillance services).

Organization and cleaning on the ship

  • Disposable tissues and alcohol solutions / wipes, as well as a basic information point.
  • Provision of respiratory equipment for personal protection against particles with protection level FFP2.
  • Increased frequency of cleaning common facilities, transit and personal use.
  • Placement of specific closed containers for used tissues.
  • Increased frequency of waste removal.
  • Regular cleaning of common contact surfaces such as handles, switches, handrails, stairs, etc.
  • Distribution and organization to avoid the presence in common facilities of more than 5 people, for example, in dining rooms, rest areas, keeping in any case the minimum distance of 1.5 meters between people. Possibility of establishing shifts.
  • Maximum collaboration of all people on the ship in the adoption of preventive measures and the follow-up of the recommendations made by the safety and health committee.

Suspected or positive case of coronavirus case:

  • If there is a suspicion that someone from the crew may be infected, they should isolate themselves, put on the indicated mask and contact the Radio Medical Center of the Central Services of the Social Institute of the Navy (ISM). It will be necessary to collect as much information as possible for the epidemiological study.
  • The Radio Medical Center will be in charge of ruling if an evacuation is urgent and the case is followed up.
  • In the event that, by indications of the Radio Medical Center, the isolation of a crew member is necessary, they will be confined to a specific cabin with restricted access. The food will be supplied by a single person with suitable disposable gloves and the dishes and cutlery will be disinfected with water and bleach before subsequent use. Gloves will be removed in a zippered bag, properly contained and marked.
  • The health personnel of the Prevention Service will carry out the search for the closest contacts (1st level), as well as their follow-up during the two weeks following the appearance of the positive case.
  • It is necessary to notify the labor authority of infections with occupational origin and their corresponding quarantines, due to their consideration of an accident at work.

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