The Spain Journal

Ignacio Garriga demands compliance with the Dependency Law

In the Catalan community, the average time to collect aid through the Dependency Law is one year and a half, the maximum period stipulated by the Law itself being three months. Thus, once again, the Generalitat neglects the real problems of Catalans, a problem that affects thousands of people and their families, who cannot live with dignity or well-being, and many of them aid is “awarded” to them when the recipients have already passed away.

According to the proposal of the PGE for 2021, the item for the "System of Personal Autonomy and Attention to Dependency" amounts to 2,353 million euros, 34.4% more than in Montoro's budgets, but there is no emphasis in the problems of the disastrous management that have been dragging on year after year, producing a diminishing return more and more marked, year after year.

That is why the VOX deputies, Ignacio Garriga and Juanjo Aizcorbe asked the Government if the "Ministry of Inclusion, Social Security and Migrations" contemplates any project so that the neediest citizens can collect this aid in the time and form set by the Law.

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