The Spain Journal

Inconsistency in the PP: presents a Motion in the Senate to defend the History of Spain but abstains in the Torremolinos City Council before a similar text from VOX

Malaga, August 1, 2020.- VOX wants to show its bewilderment at the situation experienced yesterday in the plenary session of the Torremolinos City Council, where the councilor of this formation brought for his debate a motion in defense of Hispanidad, and before which the Municipal Group PP abstained. Finally, the text did not go forward.

On the other hand, on July 1, in the Senate plenary session, the popular ones presented a Motion along the same lines, which was supported by the three VOX senators, and whose position defended senator Jacobo González-Robatto.

Both Motions urged to regret the attacks caused on the American continent to the Spanish heritage. In addition, they urged the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to defend the History of Spain and the legacy of the Nation in America.

This training has been presented in town halls and parliaments, where he has institutional representation, motions and declarations in favor of the legacy of Spain in America.

VOX will continue defending the History of Spain and its contribution to the American continent and will fight to end attacks on the statues of historical figures such as Isabel La Católica, Fray Junípero Sierra or Bernardo de Gálvez.

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