The Spain Journal

Jaime de Olano in a Municipal Training Day This afternoon, in Murcia

More than fifty councilors of the Popular Party in the Region of Murcia have participated this afternoon in a work meeting chaired by the Deputy Secretary of Participation of the PP, Jaime de Olano, who has transferred to the municipal officials that “these meetings are fundamental and they are part of a clear commitment to the training of policy makers who are closer to citizens, so that more and better service can be given. ”

During the meeting, in which the national deputy, Isabel Borrego, the general secretary of the regional PP, Miguel Ángel Miralles, has also stressed that “from the PP we are committed to training to carry out an effective, efficient, transparent management and equitable in public services, so, aware of the great change that has undergone training in recent years, we are working so that our public offices enjoy comprehensive training that adapts to the new political scenario. ”

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