The Spain Journal

López requires the Government to detail the protocols against Covid-19 applied at the CNP's Superior Headquarters in Ceuta

The national deputy of Vox for Ceuta, Teresa López, asked the Government in March about the prevention actions against the Covid-19 carried out at the Superior Police Headquarters, after learning that there were several officers who were isolated and one infected by the coronavirus. Now an answer has come that raises more questions because the Executive refers to the fact that the protocols have been met without specifying what they consist of and what actions they contemplate. Hence, López insists and has requested the details of the Action Plan against Covid-19 and its protocols.

As the Executive of Pedro Sánchez points out in his response to López, “in the Ceuta Police Station, as in other facilities of the National Police, the action protocols included in the Action Plan against Covid-19 of the General Directorate of the Police, which includes organizational, informative, preventive and personal protection measures ”. In addition, he explains that "a Coordination and Follow-up Team is created, as well as a Technical Team, in charge of implementing the measures."

Given this explanation, López asks for information about those who are part of the coordination group and what informational and preventive measures have been put in place, as well as the evaluation and follow-up that has been carried out in the headquarters of the autonomous cities.

Regarding the cleaning and decontamination measures, for which the Vox national deputy also asked, the Government indicates that "the guidelines of the Instruction given by the General Secretariat for Logistics and Innovation of March 5, referring to buildings, have been followed and vehicles ”. However, it is not clear what these guidelines have been translated into.

Regarding the casualties that occurred in the CNP in Ceuta, the Executive assures that, “they are acceptable for the staff of this Senior Police Headquarters, where there is also a Contingency Plan that provides reaction measures to support this possible incidence, without the service being significantly affected ”. But again, the government avoids going deeper into what those measures are and for this reason López claims to know, in detail, the action plan.

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