The Spain Journal

Magdalena Valerio highlights the importance of training so that people are not left behind in the face of technological change

Magdalena Valerio, Minister of Labor, Migration and Social Security, stressed the importance of training so that people are not left behind by technological change.

Magdalena Valerio has inaugurated with the president of the Valencian Generalitat, Ximo Puig, the XIII Spanish Congress of Sociology which is celebrated in Valencia under the slogan "Societies at the crossroads, commitments of Sociology". Within the framework of this Congress, a Symposium on "The future of employment and labor relations" will be held.

In his speech, the minister stressed the need for Public Administrations and companies to bet on training so that workers can adapt to new needs and access to new jobs derived from the digital revolution.

In his speech, Valerio said that in Spain there are more than 80,000 digital jobs not covered and also shortage of professionals in traditional sectors such as construction, logistics, industry or the service sector. "This is our paradox," he said, "having more than 3.2 million unemployed people in Spain and thousands of jobs that have not been filled because professional profiles do not fit the needs of companies."

The minister affirmed that her Department is making an "important effort" for training and education. In this regard, he highlighted the 2 specific Plans launched by his Department: Plan of Shock for Youth Employment, aimed at children under 30 years of age "with the objective of having decent jobs". And the Plan Reincorpora-T for long-term unemployed people, aimed especially at unemployed people older than 45 years who have more difficulties for the reincorporation labor.

"The administrations and companies have to be the first to bet on the training of our professionals, so that they are able to adapt to the new needs," stressed the minister, for whom innovation "is and will continue to be one of the main driving forces of economic development and employment ".

For Valerio, robotics and artificial intelligence will be the same as with previous industrial transformations and new professions will arise that "we can not even imagine now". The minister emphasized that to adapt to these changes will be necessary a permanent preparation.

In relation to the "Future of Employment and the future of labor relations", to debate in the Symposium that will be developed in this Congress, the Minister recalled that the ILO Declaration is very clear and marks the route to follow: "Act urgently, through social dialogue and agreement, and take advantage of opportunities to build a future of fair, inclusive and safe work with full, productive and freely chosen employment with decent work for all." In this sense, Valerio stressed the importance of social dialogue because it is "the greatest guarantee of stability that the reforms adopted in the labor market can have."

In his speech, the head of Labor, Migration and Social Security, in functions, valued the important role of Sociology, which "has contributed to the modernization of Spain, to understand the changes and to have an optimistic vision before the uncertain future" and He transferred his support to professionals in this field.

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