The Spain Journal

Merelo: “Nationalism and the left have created a‘ Linguistic Apartheid ’with the applause of the PP and Cs

“Nationalism and the left, with the applause of the PP and Ciudadanos, have created a kind of Linguistic Apartheid, where all those who do not speak Basque are excluded, no matter how qualified they may be, both in education, in health, as well as in the Access to the public function". This is how emphatically the VOX senator for Ceuta, Yolanda Merelo, has been opposing the motion presented this Wednesday by the Basque Parliamentary Group to reinforce the Basque language in Basque institutions. An initiative before which VOX is clear that the objective is to marginalize those who do not know Basque and, therefore, violate the principle of equality among Spaniards.

Merelo recalled that, although the different Spanish languages ​​that exist in our country "are a heritage worthy of the highest pride, respect and protection", the protection given to this particularity "has been used to promote hatred among Spaniards and establish requirements discriminatory for access to public service ”. For this reason, the VOX senator has defended that access to the public function "must be done under conditions of equality", and has regretted that this is "an objective that is difficult to pursue, if the languages ​​that are only co-official in their respective communities as an excuse to discriminate against the rest of the concurrent who do not know it, nor are they in the duty to do so ”.

“Today there are thousands of Basque citizens who cannot access public service because they do not know Basque, thousands of families cannot take their children to public schools because they do not speak Basque”, denounced Merelo. In addition, he has warned of how the requirement to speak Basque in public health has increased the shortage of high-level health professionals and therefore has urged the members of the PNV to "reflect" on the matter. In fact, this has been collected in the amendments recorded by VOX to this Motion.

"Language should be a reason for union and not for discord among all Spaniards", defended the senator, who stressed that, for VOX, "no administration or private individual can belittle the common language of all, Spanish, and much less discriminate against it ”. For this reason, he has indicated that his group is in favor of abolishing the requirement of knowledge of the co-official language in access to the public function so as to avoid "any type of discrimination between Spaniards."

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