The Spain Journal

Pablo Casado proposes the creation of a National Agency for Economic Recovery After his meeting with Sánchez at the Palacio de La Moncloa

Fotos encuentro entre Pedro Sanchez y Pablo Casado en Moncloa

The president of the PP considers this agency essential, for which it offers support in its processing by emergency procedure, which allows avoiding discretion and patronage, with parliamentary support and is directed by an independent person.

He emphasizes that the PP is, as always, "ready to pitch in," but for that, he stresses, no one should look at us over their shoulders and we must take into account where the other shoulder rests. He affirms that "the ball is in Pedro Sánchez's court" and that "it will not remain for us."

Along with the proposal of the national agency, it has requested a strengthening of the legal framework with effective measures to combat the coronavirus, with an adequate formula to coordinate with the CCAA, which entails "guarantees, agility and efficiency."

It demands a State Pact for Health outside of the partisan confrontation and that lasts over time, which includes measures already proposed such as the National Health Agency, a deposit of medicines, reinforcement of Primary Care and recognition of health workers in the field labor.

It offers an Economic Shock Plan that entails a reduction in taxes, improved liquidity and labor flexibility, the reduction of bureaucracy and public spending, as well as that reflects that the ERTES extend until the end of the year, and those related to tourism until the next season.

He emphasizes that the PP is the responsible alternative to the Sánchez government: "No one is going to pressure us, because we only owe ourselves to the interests of the Spanish," he says.

"The PP cannot accept an attack on the Monarchy, the rule of law, the independence of Justice or the whitewashing of those who want Spain to not be able to," he declared, referring to United We Can

He emphasizes that this meeting takes place in the middle of the second wave, with more than 100,000 infections and 100 deaths a week, after the President of the Government said that he had defeated the virus, when many organizations and institutions continue to doubt the number of deaths that the Government has offered.

He regrets the "educational chaos" that is taking place in the return to schools, as well as the bad unemployment data known today, with almost 700,000 people unemployed so far this year and 7 million citizens who want to work and cannot, a situation that is not comparable to any other EU country.

It shows its concern for the social situation of the country, with a Minimum Vital Income, which is not being processed, and for the pension system, for which it proposes to make the first sustainable and resume the Toledo Pact without crossing the red line of the pension freezing or cutting.

It advocates for the construction of hydraulic infrastructures, meeting the needs of the field and the processing of the CAP, as well as supporting companies in accessing 5G.

Regarding the renewal of organizations and institutions: "They have the problem, not the PP," he says, recalling that in two years the Government has not counted on the PP in the appointment of the State Attorney General, the presence of Iglesias in the CNI, the National Commission of Markets and Competition, the General Council of National Security or RTVE.

It emphasizes that it cannot support a PGE when the Government has not done its homework, without advancing the spending ceiling, the deficit path or the reform plan and that these accounts cannot be a "swallow it" without disclosing income or expenses .

Remember that the PP does not accept tax increases or the absence of reforms in the processing of the PGE and points out Pedro Sánchez's alternative when it comes to taking them forward with Podemos and Ciudadanos, who have no problem sitting down to negotiate with a party investigated by alleged irregular financing.

It affects the proposals made to the President of the Government: "We do not understand an educational counter-reform, when we should bet on an educational pact for the 21st century."

He asks to recover the crime of usurpation of housing, shows his concern about illegal immigration, the approach of ETA prisoners and offers the support of the PP if there is any contempt for sentences or concentrations in the middle of a pandemic due to the situation in Catalonia.

It requires Sánchez to “lead by example”, with a reduction in the number of ministers and senior officials, returning to the 14 ministries of the last Executive chaired by the Popular Party.

He criticizes that “Madrid has always been an obsession for Sánchez”, referring to the attacks by the Government on the Executive of Díaz Ayuso, which is “the counterpoint and alternative” to Sánchez's policies.

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