The Spain Journal

Patricia Rueda: «Thousands of families have their source of income in the hospitality industry. They want to work and they won't let them »

The VOX deputy for Malaga and spokesperson for the Tourism Commission, Patricia Rueda, denounced today the situation in which "thousands of Malaga families" find themselves, who "have their source of income in the hotel industry." And he has clarified that "they want to work, but they won't let them." This is how the deputy stated on the same day that the hospitality industry concentrated in Malaga

The deputy has praised the "great gastronomic wealth and the great productive fabric linked to the hotel and tourism industry that Malaga and all of Spain have." And he explained that "those who make decisions about restrictions and prohibitions must understand that it not only generates a problem for businessmen, self-employed hoteliers, waiters, cooks or cleaners, who are the most visible part of the sector", but they have to understand that "It affects bakers, food distributors, taxi drivers, VTC drivers, laundries and ice machine companies, among others."

Thus, he lamented that the hoteliers "seem forgotten by both the central and regional governments", when it is "one of the sectors most punished and demonized since the evil Wuham virus broke into our lives."

The hospitality industry and the tourism sector suffer from serious difficulties: they have been with bans, restrictions, uncertainty and lack of confidence for months due to bad policies. Policies that do little to convey stability and trust. " And to this administrative and legislative chaos is added the agony due to the lack of measures to help them.

Specifically, it has referred to the request of the sector for the «extension of the Temporary Employment Regulation Files (ERTE), while they are flexible, that it can be rescue or not to ERTE workers based on the activity of the establishments ", and they insist, he said, on the" need that companies have for liquidity and the reduction of VAT. "

In this sense, he recalled that the VOX Parliamentary Group has sued in Congress, on numerous occasions, this Government through Non-Law Proposals, and being the first political formation to register it because this situation "worries us and concerns us" .

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