The Spain Journal

Rodríguez: ‘We ask the Government to take control in Catalonia to compel the Generalitat to ensure the health of citizens’

07-20-2020 | Cs

The national spokeswoman for Cs expresses her concern at the de the situation of neglect of the Catalan Government ’after the Permanent Committee, in which Lorena Roldán and Carlos Carrizosa have also participated

"We ask the Government to take control in Catalonia to compel the Generalitat to ensure the health of citizens," Cs national spokeswoman Melisa Rodríguez has demanded at a telematic press conference after the Standing Committee, which also The party leader in Catalonia and senator, Lorena Roldán, and the head of the Opposition in Catalonia and president of the Cs group in the Parliament, Carlos Carrizosa, have participated.

"We are concerned about the situation of neglect of the Catalan Government," said Rodríguez, who recalled that "the State has legislation on its side to establish any action that forces the Generalitat to take health protection measures." In this sense, Lorena Roldán has assured that Catalonia is in “a limit situation” and that the orange training has always had an “attitude of collaboration and outstretched hand” because “we are going to support all the necessary measures to save lives and jobs”.

Likewise, Roldán has criticized "the embarrassment of this weekend on TV3 where we have seen how from public television, which all Catalans pay, people convicted of very serious crimes have been interviewed as heroes."

In another order, the national spokesperson for the Liberal Party has expressed Cs' concern in educational matters regarding the Government's attitude towards the concerted school. "In a crisis situation we have to give equal coverage to citizens" so "we are going to continue negotiating until the last moment and we hope that the Executive will rectify", he pointed out.

Rodríguez has asked Pedro Sánchez, in order to reach a beneficial agreement for Spain in Europe, "stop looking at populism and look at the parties that defend equality and the future of our country."

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