The Spain Journal

The Association of Businessmen of the Henares celebrates the 42nd edition of its annual General Assembly of partners

The Association of Entrepreneurs of the Henares (AEDHE) has held at its headquarters the 42nd edition of its annual General Assembly, the highest governing body of AEDHE. The Assembly is made up of all the members of the organization and meets once a year to discuss the main issues related to the management and strategy of the organization.

In this convocation of the Assembly, the president of AEDHE, Jesús Martín Sanz, the vice president and treasurer Laly Escudero Ossorio, the vice president David Pozo Fernández and the secretary general of AEDHE Pilar Fernández Rozado, were in charge of presenting the plan of activities of 2019, the status of the accounts of
AEDHE and the activities report of the association during 2018, to all the associates that have attended this annual edition.

The president of AEDHE has acknowledged that "these are complex times and it is becoming increasingly difficult to represent entrepreneurs and businesswomen, a task that the association has carried out in its more than four decades, because of the multitude of issuers, mediators
of information and social networks transmitting messages and information at the same time and in unison. Today we have to issue in a more prominent, more intense, more personalized, better and more effective way, our AEDHE message ".

In his presentation, Jesús Martín, where he has recalled the pillars of the mission of the Association of Businessmen of the Henares, has also analyzed the axes of action of AEDHE for 2019 in the main sections. "The defense of the interests of companies, is an almost schizophrenic exercise for the association because as we often say, almost 100% of the defense of interests, is before and against the Public Administration. Representing also means having a relationship with who you have to face, and this task is becoming more complex every day. Every day we perceive the lack of interest in listening to entrepreneurs, their proposals and needs, and why not, their demands ".

"And always from the proactive contribution, as it has been manifested in the 59 proposals that encompass 326 projects with objectives for the better future of the Henares Corridor, its society and companies, which are included in the Strategic White Paper of AEDHE by the Innovation of the Corridor in the period 2019-2023 "highlighted Martín Sanz.

For the last semester of 2019, the plan of activities of AEDHE will focus on expanding the network of support to the associate, encourage attitudes for innovation, adaptation, changes; facilitate knowledge, training, advice on everything that affects the company, new regulations, business relationships, networking and meetings in the Enterprise Europe Netwrok framework, the largest support network for SMEs that exists in Europe. In addition, the plan of activities is aimed at strengthening the role of AEDHE as a business meeting point and being an advisory network for companies, self-employed and entrepreneurs.

In the presentation of the 2018 Report of the association, AEDHE General Secretary Pilar Fernández Rozado, highlighted the activities carried out, and has remembered the success of the last edition of the AEDHE Awards for Business Excellence "that highlight best practices and business results that exist in the Corridor so that it contributes to the recognition and notoriety of the area ". In addition, Fernandez Rozado said that "with the reactivation of the headquarters in Coslada is going to expand the number of conferences, events, business meetings, meetings and training courses for all companies of the Henares Corridor."

For AEDHE, in the words of its president and general secretary, "the daily life of AEDHE is dotted with service activities for companies, as reflected in the report, and more than 1,000 companies have participated in the activities of AEDHE and more 1,000 people who have passed through our headquarters in 2018. "

The forecast for 2019 will reach and surpass that figure. As in the previous edition, prior to the General Assembly of AEDHE, a meeting of the Executive Committee of the Henares Business Association was convened, constituted by seventeen representative companies within the economic activities of the Corridor.

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