The Spain Journal

The Civil Guard dismantles an organization dedicated to the trafficking of hashish to Cantabria, France and Italy

The Civil Guard dismantles an organization dedicated to the trafficking of hashish to Cantabria, France and Italy

In the operation has been arrested 29 people in Cantabria, Girona, Seville, Jaén, Huelva and Malaga, and have intervened about 220 kilos of hashish

To transport the drug from southern Spain to France and Italy used a vehicle with double bottoms

The Civil Guard, in the framework of the operation "MIZO", has proceeded to the arrest of 29 people in Cantabria, Girona, Seville, Jaen, Huelva and Malaga belonging to an organization dedicated to the trafficking of hashish from southern Spain to destination to Cantabria, France and Italy.

The operation involved almost 220 kilos of hashish, one kilo of marijuana, almost 400 packs of contraband tobacco, 22,000 euros, weapons (a 38-caliber revolver and ammunition, a carbine, an electric pistol, and another simulated one), 44 mobile telephones, as well as 6 radiotelephone equipment for the control of caches, among other effects.

The operation began, when the Civil Guard became aware that a man living in the area of ​​Primero de Mayo de Santander, was engaged in the trafficking of hashish and marijuana, regularly making deliveries in places near his home.
Subsequently, the agents located the supplier of this man, a neighbor of the La Albericia area in Santander, who maintained close contacts with people from the south of Spain to introduce into Cantabria notorious amounts of hashish.

Hashish bound for Italy

Subsequently, the Civil Guard located another person, a native of Algeria and resident in the south of the peninsula who had recently left a prison in Morocco and had resumed contacts in Spain with people engaged in the trafficking of hashish.
In this way, it was found out that it had been integrated into a network dedicated to hashish trafficking to Italy. The drug arrived in southern Spain where they took charge of the same "carriers" of the organization.
These "carriers" once loaded the vehicle went to Barcelona, ​​from there cross the border through La Junquera (Girona) and continue to Italy.
In November of last year a shipment was detected in Italy so the agents established a device in La Junquera where a vehicle was intercepted that carried out functions of shuttle and security as it was loaded, intervening almost 115 kilos of hashish. The "transportistas" turned out to be three Cantabrians, neighbors of Santander and Corvera de Toranzo.

Distribution in Andalusia, Cantabria and France

The man who had left prison became the head of a distribution network of hashish in the provinces of Seville, Cádiz and Huelva, as well as orienting different parties to Cantabria and France.
Also, the agents found out that this person had a contact in the town of Maliaño (Cantabria), in charge of searching for hashish buyers in the Autonomous Community of Cantabria. In this way, it was possible to detect a delivery of 50 kilos of hashish that was destined for Maliaño's contact.
As a result of this intervention the leader changed the route and the people dedicated to the transit with drugs, beginning to operate with a man from Leon.

Vehicle prepared for France

Likewise, during the investigation, the presence in Cantabria of a man of French origin who had moved to said Community for the acquisition of hashish and its introduction in France was detected.
The leader of this plot gave instructions for the acquisition of an all-terrain type vehicle, to which two hollow longitudinal beams were attached, to be used as double bottoms and to be able to transport the hashish to France.
At the end of March of this year it was found out that the vehicle was being loaded on a ship of Rumoroso (Cantabria), being intercepted in circulation at the height of Liendo (Cantabria) and driven by the neighbor of León, on his way to France.
Subsequently the shuttle stopped.
In the vehicle and in the double funds practiced, 22 kilos of hashish was intervened, prepared and vacuum packed to try to avoid the action of the Drug Detective dogs of the Civil Guard. In a later registry in the town of San Andrés del Rabanedo (León) almost 30 kilos of hashish were intervened.
This intervention led to a new phase to dismantle the plots that continued until the end of May. The final result of the detainees was 17 in Cantabria (Santander, Villaescusa, Maliaño, Liendo, and one in El Dueso Penitentiary Center having entered to be sentenced for another reason), 3 in La Junquera (Gerona), 2 in Jaén , 3 in Seville and 2 in Manilva (Málaga).
Registrations were carried out in Santander, Villaescusa and Maliaño in Cantabria, in San Andrés de Rabanedo (León), Seville, Jimena de la Frontera (Cádiz) and Algeciras.
This operation under the direction of the Court of Instruction No. 3 of Santander and the Special Anti-Drug Prosecutor of the Superior Court of Justice of Cantabria, has been developed by the Organized Crime and Anti-Drug Team (EDOA) of the Civil Guard of Cantabria, with the support of other units of the Commanders of Girona, Barcelona, ​​Jaén, León, Seville, Huelva, Málaga, members of the Rapid Action Group and OCON SUR (Civil Guard Drug Trafficking Coordination Agency).

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