The Spain Journal

The Civil Guard dismantles an organized group dedicated to cheating in driving license exams

The Civil Guard dismantles an organized group dedicated to cheating in driving license exams

The group operated out of the headquarters of the D.G.T. in Móstoles

One of the components was caught by the agents "red-handed" using high-tech receivers and cameras at the time of the examination.

This organization used this method throughout the national territory

The Civil Guard has disbanded an organized group dedicated to cheating on driving license exams using high-tech receivers and cameras. Investigators caught a woman "red-handed" trying to cheat on an exam to obtain a driving license at the exam center of the Madrid Provincial Traffic Headquarters, located in Móstoles.

The dismantled group offered the transport and technology service to copy in the exams and be able to pass, for which they charged 1,000 euros and a third woman who waited her turn to enter the exam.

Four complete teams prepared with electronic devices have been intervened, consisting of mobile phones, video cameras, bluetooth devices and audio receivers, as well as two laptops and a tablet.

Hidden camera in clothes

The woman caught copying was wearing a jacket with hidden electronic devices, specifically a mobile phone to which was connected a camera that had been inserted into the front of the jacket to transmit the exam online and oriented to the Exam Center computer where the questions appear, it allowed the images to be viewed on another computer housed inside a vehicle parked near the center.

In this vehicle were the rest of the group dismantled with several open computers and connected to DGT test pages to consult the answers. These communicated with the woman who was in the classroom doing the exam through a tiny bluetooth receiver that she carried inside her ear.

This action is the result of collaboration between agents of the Civil Guard of the Madrid Traffic Sector and officials of the Madrid Provincial Traffic Headquarters.

For any information related to this press release, you can contact the O.P.C. of the Traffic Group on the phone 91.44013.08.

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