The Spain Journal

The Government promotes the hiring of nearly 200 foreign professionals in a regular situation in the health sector in the face of the COVID-19 crisis

The Government promotes the hiring of nearly 200 foreign professionals in a regular situation in the health sector in the face of the COVID-19 crisis

With this set of measures, it is expected that around 200 third-country doctors, doctors, nurses and nurses currently residing in Spain will join the next few days in the National Health System (SNS) at a decisive moment to face the health crisis caused by the spread of the COVID 19 virus in our country.

From the Ministry of Inclusion, Social Security and Migrations, through the Secretary of State for Migrations, the administrative streamlining mechanisms provided for in article 71.2 of the Law 39/2015 of Common Administrative Procedure, that allow motivated prioritization of administrative files for residence and work authorization that affect workers in an essential sector in the face of a health emergency, and in accordance with the criteria established in the Decree 463/2020, of March 14, establishing the state of alarm in our country.

Through this initiative, carried out both by the Large Companies Unit, at the Secretary of State for Immigration, and by the Immigration Offices, it is expected that in the next few days about 200 foreign workers in the health sector will have the necessary authorization to exercise their work in Spain.

To meet this objective, the aforementioned ministries have coordinated their action in crucial areas, such as prioritization of residence and work permits, the homologation of degrees or the recognition of professional skills, to give an immediate response at a time of maximum demand and high demand for these profiles in our labor market. To this end, a new coordination protocol has been drawn up between the Ministry of Inclusion, Social Security and Migration, the Ministry of Universities and the Ministry of Health that allows an exchange of information, consultation and effective resolution for the implementation of the measure. .

For its part, the Ministry of Universities has made streamlining the approval process a priority axis of action. Since last Friday, a total of 100 medical certificate approval files have been resolved. In total, since the beginning of the year, a total of 762 health professionals have been approved.

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