The Spain Journal

The Government sends a standard response to VOX questions in the Senate

The answers to the battery of questions that the VOX senator for Murcia, José Manuel Marín, sent to the Executive on March 5, a few days before the State of Alarm was declared, have all received them, despite the different themes of the questions, the same standard response from the Government.

Thus, for example, before the question registered by Marín in which he asked to know if some kits used by the National Health Service were showing any sensitivity problem, he has received exactly the same answer as the question that the same senator asked about what measures The government plans to adopt to prevent the spread of Coronaviruses that members of those teams from risky areas, both players and their technical staff, may carry for sports events held behind closed doors.

Specifically, the standard text prepared by the Executive, and for which it took more than a month to give the answer, merely indicates that "the Spanish Agency for Medicines and Health Products (AEMPS) continuously follows the results of clinical trials which are being carried out worldwide together with the European Medicines Agency (EMA) and the rest of the national agencies, as well as the World Health Organization (WHO) ”. In addition, he explains that an active drug for Coronavirus has not yet been found and that the AEMPS is authorizing compassionate uses of remdesivir and is working to carry out clinical trials in Spain.

The Executive refers in its response to the use of Lopinavir or Ritonavir and takes the opportunity to indicate that the Ministry of Health updates the information on the Coronavirus and that Health, the Ministry of Culture and Sport, the autonomous communities and the Higher Sports Council (CSD) are coordinated.

This training considers that the Executive, in the exercise of its functions, should respond separately and clearly to each of the questions that the senators address to it. On the contrary, the Government copies and pastes a text to answer a battery of questions about a health crisis that plagues Spain and has caused more than 21,000 deaths, the collapse of the emergencies in our country and the economic paralysis of the Nation. .

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