The Spain Journal

The GP VOX in Aragon advances the lines of its amendments to the budget

The GP VOX in Aragon has advanced the lines of its amendments to the budget. It has been in an appearance before the media of the three deputies of the group.

The spokesman, Santiago Morón, first referred to the budget debate held last week in the Cortes.

"These budgets, as was demonstrated in the plenary session last Thursday, are based on income, which is not very credible. And that they trust EVERYTHING to very uncertain macroeconomic projections. To external funds today impossible, and to a huge increase in debt ".

"These budgets to nothing that changes the macroeconomic scenario and to nothing that European funds are delayed will fall like a house of cards ”, he pointed out.

Morón has clarified that “the GP VOX, agrees on how necessary and urgent these European funds are for Aragon. Due to the exceptional nature of the current crisis situation, as we highlighted in the debate ”.

The VOX spokesman has warned that “as always, as it is the usual practice of all governments, a wild increase in debt will be used to finance public spending.

In the discussion, we already discovered this practice. And we underline how scandalous it is that in the last 9 years Aragon's public debt has increased 153%. And that the forecast for the end of this year is close to amounts close to 10,000 Million of euros.

Morón has provided a very significant data:

The financial expense of the debt for 2021 is an inordinate amount of 1,400 Million Euros. Exactly the same as the sum of the budget of the departments of Education, industry, economy and structuring. A scandal, he pointed out.

In the current situation, VOX argues that we have to choose between the welfare state of citizens and welfare state of politicians.

Amendment phase

VOX in Aragón addresses the budget amendment phase with the aim of removing fat from the Aragonese administration. In this way, funds would be released for social items. Or items that guarantee the survival of sectors as relevant to Aragon as the services sector.

By way of example, the group's spokesperson has referred to a battery of amendments with the fate of certain items. Thus he has referred to an item destined to defray the total cost of the masks. “Our group does not discriminate any type of mask. It is the only parliamentary group that defends the gratuity and the non-subject to VAT of the same ”has indicated Morón.

It has also referred to items aimed at more vulnerable groups, such as people with disabilities who have transferred their needs to us.

"As last year, in which VOX put on the table the debate on the financing model of C.A.R.T.V, this year we will also present an amendment," he highlighted.

Finally, Santiago Morón has announced amendments of an economic nature. Aimed at creating non-refundable direct aid lines for small businesses, SMEs and the self-employed, which is the core of the Aragonese productive fabric. Or amendments aimed at direct aid for business entrepreneurship.

VOX in Aragon considers these aids essential to improve employment levels. Especially of young people who have extremely high unemployment rates close to 32%.

Celáa Law

As for the Celaá Law, Santiago Morón has indicated that “it is a liberticidal law. That it will restrict the right of parents to choose the education they want for their children. And the use of Spanish as a vehicular language and that will decrease the quality of teaching ”.

“It does not have the support of the educational community. Approved without Consensus, as an assignment to separatist and communist parties ”, he stated.

VOX proposals

Finally, Santiago Morón has appreciated that the government of Aragon has approved in recent weeks proposals made by our parliamentary group. Some of them registered already in the month of May. Morón has referred to the subsidies destined to farms of wild cattle as well as measures in relation to the hunting activity. Although, in both cases, the assessment of the approved measures is insufficient in the opinion of VOX in Aragón.

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