The Spain Journal

The GPP demands that Tezanos explain in Congress the inclusion in the CIS of questions on censorship of freedom of information Request for appearance announced yesterday by the GPP spokesperson, Cayetana Álvarez de Toledo

The Popular Parliamentary Group has registered the request for the appearance in the Congress of Deputies of the president of the Center for Sociological Research, José Félix Tezanos, to explain the inclusion in the last CIS of questions on censorship of freedom of information, such as This has been denounced by various press associations, such as the Platform for the Defense of Freedom of Information (PDLI) and the Madrid Press Association (APM).

In this sense, the GPP has requested the appearance of Tezanos both in the Constitutional Commission and in that of Democratic Quality, so that it not only explains whether the survey complies with the principles of objectivity and neutrality set forth in the Organization Law of the Center for Sociological research, and the requirement to contribute to the scientific knowledge of Spanish society contained in the same law, but also if the principles of investigative transparency and voluntary responses have been respected in conducting studies through surveys.

Yesterday, the GPP spokeswoman, Cayetana Álvarez de Toledo, announced said request to appear, with the aim that the "faithful militant" Tezanos "explain in detail" in Congress his "particular commitment to a Ministry of Truth". For the leader of the Popular Parliamentary Group José Félix Tezanos, the CIS has become the “Sanchista Information Committee”.

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