The Spain Journal

The Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food announces grants for applied research projects in the beekeeping sector

These grants are aimed at improving the general conditions of production and marketing of bee products.

This call corresponds to line F of the National Beekeeping Assistance Program, which aims to promote cooperation of the sector with specialized agencies to create applied research programs in the beekeeping sector.

The maximum amount of the aid will not exceed the amount of 100,000 euros per eligible project and call, with the sole exception that a single project was approved, in which case the amount of the aid could amount to 300,000 euros, which is the total amount of Budget available for each call.

Agricultural cooperatives, agrarian transformation societies, health defense groups and groups of any of these figures that meet the requirements established in Article 3 of the regulatory bases may submit applications for assistance (Order AAA / 2571/2015, of November 19).

For this, the requests for help will be completed according to the model available in the Electronic Headquarters of the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food.

Applications will be submitted within 15 business days from the day following the publication of the extract in the BOE.

Detailed information

In the electronic headquarters of the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Environment, different documents are available for the fulfillment of the applications, as well as the contact data for resolution of doubts inherent in this request.

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