The Spain Journal

"The PP no longer has credibility after allying with the PSOE and for Ceuta to have a future, only VOX remains"

VOX Ceuta, once again, has remained alone this Monday in the defense of a Budget of the Autonomous City for 2021 that really meets the needs of the Ceuta most affected by the Covid-19 pandemic instead of continuing to subsidize beach bars, many of them who have left groups behind. "We remain as the only social and patriotic alternative that wants to change Ceuta and break with those who live at the cost of damaging it," recalled the spokesman for the VOX Parliamentary Group, Carlos Verdejo, to add: "Everyone will be against us and we will receive the harshest attacks , but remember that it is not that VOX is alone, it is that, for the future of this city, only VOX remains ”.

Verdejo has warned that today has been "the full grave that Juan Vivas dug to bury the PP in Ceuta allying with the PSOE and Caballas." And it is that, he pointed out, "Vivas aligns with the left until the end of the legislature or until he resigns" because VOX will no longer support a president "who is not to be trusted" and who has opted for a "pro-Moroccan policy ”.

"I think you are not aware of what you have caused with this legislative pact, Mr Vivas. Leave, resign on time and resign with dignity, ”the VOX spokesperson added. Verdejo reminded him that a year ago he made a commitment to "redefine budgets and clean them up little by little" after "20 years contaminated with good humor." However, he lamented "Vivas has lied again" and that his policy of "goodness" has resulted "in a crudely pro-Moroccan policy."

Verdejo has regretted that a large part of the 19 million euros in subsidies "does not reach the needy Ceuta and does reach the establishment." In addition, he has criticized the recovery of subsidies to Progressive and Sick Women Without Borders after Vivas himself said, of the latter, that "it encourages and favors a pull effect with respect to certain basic services for the population of the neighboring country" . In addition, he has reproached the Government for talking about subsidies to companies and freelancers with liquidity problems but wanting to “prohibit them from working, first by proposing the closure at 6:00 p.m. and then, following the advice of the Caballas investigated, at 8:00 p.m., while injecting 700,000 euros into the Hotel Puerta de África ”.

Regarding the economic situation, Verdejo has blamed the Executive for having “submitted” the future of Ceuta to Morocco “by depowering the port” and that from there “the economic disaster in the face of a blockade” has occurred. "He says that the important thing is to talk about the Covid Fund because talking about the rest bothers him," the VOX spokesman told the Finance Minister.

Against chiringuitos, not coexistence

In the face of widespread criticism, both from the PP and the left-wing groups, that VOX wants to end the subsidies to Muslim entities, Verdejo has dismantled this tortuous argument to show that nothing could be further from reality. What VOX wants is to end the subsidies to those entities screen for parties like Caballas, which has a speaker in Intercultura. "Its Facebook portal is dedicated solely to sharing Mackerel publications," Verdejo has shown.

"When you speak of coexistence, it is to exploit it, to generate conflict ", the VOX spokesperson reproached the Government for adding:" Here we come to confront ideas. " That is why he has warned: "Enough of the use of coexistence".

"What will be behind these so blushing subsidies so that Juan Vivas does not dare to put his hand on them? ”, Verdejo has questioned. After the debate, it has become clear who the new government spokesmen are, since PSOE and Caballas have based their speech on attacking VOX instead of focusing the debate on what it was about: the budget. Meanwhile, VOX warns that it will continue working "to defend Ceuta" while the rest "are dedicated to selling it."

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