The Spain Journal

The PP requires measures to promote, support and boost employment and entrepreneurship of our young people Through four motions registered in the Senate

Rosa María Arza en el Senado.

Rosa María Arza recalls that young people are one of the sectors of Spanish society most affected by unemployment, even more so after the situation of the pandemic

The spokesperson in the Youth Committee of the Popular Parliamentary Group in the Senate and senator for Lugo, Rosa María Arza, together with the members of the PP of the aforementioned Commission, have registered in the Chamber a battery of four motions, by which they request the Government, “support and incentive measures for the employment of young people, financing lines for young entrepreneurs, promoting the return of young talent, or the development of urgent plans to reactivate youth employment, among others; for one of the sectors of Spanish society most affected by unemployment, such as our young people ”. The GPP Youth spokesperson in the Senate recalls in the text of the motions that, at the beginning of this year 2020, Spain was already leading the sad ranking of youth unemployment, with 30.5% of young people under 25 years of age unemployed, according to Eurostat data. Thus, Arza remarks that the Government of Spain was already, at that time, abandoning its functions in terms of policies to promote youth employment, as much as in the last quarter of 2019 our country had only managed to reduce its unemployment rate youth at 1.5 points.

“Now, after the pandemic, the situation is more catastrophic if possible: the unemployment rate in those under 25 years of age had risen by 32.99% in April, and we still do not know what will happen in the coming months, even more so taking into account the large number of young people who find a first job or a job compatible with their studies in some of the sectors most affected by the pandemic, such as the hotel industry or tourism ”, remarks Arza.


In the same way, the motions of the popular in the Senate Youth Commission, emphasize that “the situation of those young people who were already vulnerable before the crisis caused by the Covid-19 pandemic is especially worrying. Thus, the difficulties to remain in the labor market due to the temporary nature of employment contracts are taking their toll, today more than ever, in a large part of our youth ”.

In the battery of motions presented, one of them refers to young entrepreneurs and freelancers, who, apart from the situation generated by the covid-19 pandemic and the aid agreed between the Government of Spain and the associations ATA, UPTA and UATAE for the self-employed who have seen their activity harmed by the health crisis, "it is necessary to implement specific measures that promote entrepreneurship among the youngest," recalls the PP senator for Lugo.

Faced with this situation and the government's neglect of young people in its policies, the GPP presents this battery of four motions for debate and vote in the Senate Youth Commission in which they request the following measures from the Executive of Sánchez and Iglesias:

Motion 1

To urgently implement real measures whose economic cost will be conditioned by the budget availability of the Government that generate a substantial change in youth employment, particularly for those groups that have more difficulties in finding a stable job.

Establish lines of aid, such as those of the Government of Galicia, to encourage initial and temporary hiring with a minimum duration of twelve months for unemployed young people, whose economic cost will be conditioned by the budget availability of the Government.

Motion 2

Consolidate specific financing lines for young entrepreneurs and create new ones, the economic cost of which will be conditioned by the budget availability of the Government.

Develop incentives that facilitate generational change among the self-employed, whose economic cost will be conditioned by the budget availability of the Government.

Motion 3

Establish a recruitment program aimed at young emigrants that allows them to return with guarantees, the economic cost of which will be conditioned by the budget availability of the Government.  Encourage the return of young talent by establishing incentives for entrepreneurship especially aimed at this group, whose economic cost will be conditioned by the budget availability of the Government.

Motion 4

Prepare urgent plans for the reactivation of youth employment, the economic cost of which will be conditioned by the budget availability of the Government, and reinforce the existing ones.

Seek support formulas from European funds to improve the socioeconomic situation of those under 30 years of age.

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