The Spain Journal

The Spanish Association of Branding grows 40% in number of partners

The Spanish Association of Branding, Aebrand, held the IX Ordinary General Assembly, when one year after the election of Cristián Saracco as president. The assembly, held at the headquarters of CEOE in Madrid, began with the intervention of the president, who presented the balance of this first year of mandate and outlined the lines of action that the Board of Directors had set when taking office in July. 2018

"A year ago we set ourselves the challenge of evolving towards a more open, participatory and enriching associative model, and we are committed to a growth strategy centered on three areas of action: openness, capillarity and synergies. As a result of the work carried out by the Board, we have incorporated new Partners – branding consultants and independent professionals -, gained in scope and representation, and established alliances that contribute to the interests of the professional branding collective ".

Saracco highlighted the growth experienced by the association in this last year. In figures, the number of partners has grown by 40%, which represents an increase in income of also 40%. "The balance we make of this stage is positive. The pace of growth has been slower than desired, but we keep moving in the right direction. "

Aebrand counts since last January with 14 new incorporations, between partners and partners -Apolo, Acute & Creative, Costa, Galikus Branding, Gravita, LLYC, The Bold, The Woork Co, Aggylon, Brandstocker and Padima-, and the forecast is to close 2019 with 10 new registrations of corporate partners.

Among the proposals for 2020, he highlighted the importance of continuing to work to consolidate the practice of branding as a strategic element for business management. In this sense, Cristián Saracco anticipated new collaborations with the most representative business and industry associations by territory and industry, to bring the practice of branding closer to business environments.

On the other hand, the president of Aebrand stressed the need to defend and protect the professional interests of the business group of branding and announced the creation of a Contest Committee. "The Board of Directors of Aebrand has repeatedly expressed opposition to the organization of unpaid contests." Saracco appeals to the collaboration with other associations to demand from the competent organisms a normative regulation of this type of these practices.

Finally, the president of Aebrand highlighted the lines of action in which the Board will work next year: growth, awareness and excellence. "We will give continuity to the initiatives started in this first mandate and working to be attractive and representative of excellence in branding."

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