The initiative presented by the Municipal Group of VOX in the Motril City Council, by which it urges the Government team to exclude the two non-attached councilors from it, may cause a series of events that change the political evolution of the Motril institution . The trigger for this situation has been Sentence 1401/2020, of October 26, of the Fourth Section of the Contentious-Administrative Chamber of the Supreme Court, which establishes as a doctrine that he becomes a non-attached councilor, as a consequence or by reason of transfuguismo, "it prevents the assumption of positions or the perception of attributions that previously did not exercise or perceive and indicate personal, political or economic improvements".
Pursuant to this ruling, and as Miguel Ángel López announced in a radio interview in recent weeks, VOX has requested a technical report from the Secretariat and the Legal Area of the Motril City Council on the situation of the non-attached councilors, Daniel Ortega Moreno and Ms. Susana Encarnación Peña Gómez, in order to determine if their current situation and remuneration are appropriate, as well as a technical Intervention report, regarding whether the return of the economic perceptions obtained and the amount of the amounts to be returned.
This is what his spokesperson, Miguel Ángel López, has made known: <>.
The VOX spokesperson points to the mayor of Motril as responsible for this situation: <>.
Finally, Miguel Ángel López wonders <>, concludes the VOX Spokesperson.