The Spain Journal

Valentina Martínez: "The PP neither renounces nor will it ever renounce that Gibraltar is a part of Spain" Today, during the debate on the fiscal treaty on Gibraltar in plenary

La diputada del GPP en el Congreso de los Diputados, Valentina Martínez

Holders of his speech:

• The GPP Foreign spokesperson reproaches the Government for “the enormous weakness” of its foreign policy, with the consequent loss of influence in the face of historical opportunities – “unique in 300 years” -, as the occasion that Brexit represents for Spain to play a strong role in the EU.

• He points out that the lack of political weight of the Sánchez government in the EU "is not only reflected in the CAP negotiations, which are so important for Spanish agriculture and livestock, but in historical causes such as this one."

• It proclaims that the Popular Party "neither renounces nor will ever renounce that Gibraltar is a part of Spain".

• He criticizes Sánchez for having spoiled the strategic advantage of the previous PP Government over the future post-Brexit in Gibraltar: “The Government is again practicing preventive surrender; trade surrender for ambition. "

• To González Laya: “It is disheartening that the first Treaty signed by the Government with the United Kingdom after 1713 is an agreement establishing a set of administrative and fiscal institutions in the Rock, without a single mention of the importance of the restoration of our territorial integrity ”.

• “This inability to react, this lack of ambition is very dangerous for the interests of Spain. I don't know if you lack interest in the cause or because you now consider it to be right-wing, patriotic or, as you like to say now, extreme right-wing. But it is you who are breaking a traditional position of the traditional and oldest political consensus in Spain ”.

• Emphasizes that decolonization is not left or right, but a United Nations mandate.

• He warns that the tax treaty on Gibraltar “consolidates a tax regime against which all previous governments have fought, regardless of their political color, by consecrating the existing tax Eden in Gibraltar, which has grown at the cost of suffocating the Campo de Gibraltar "

• Urges Minister González Laya to be "on par with the Spanish" and to have "courage and ambition" in her negotiations with the United Kingdom and Brussels.

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