The Spain Journal

VOX asks the Assembly Table to withdraw the proposals of Caballas for inciting hatred and for their content full of insults

He VOX Parliamentary Group has sent a letter to the Mthat of the TOsamblea requesting what are removed from the order of next day of the ordinary plenary session, corresponding to the month of October, the proposals presented by the Mackerel group. The request is made according to aryousection 27.1.d] of the Regulations of the Assembly of Ceuta, since it is understood that they violate the provisions of the Aryouass 19 off this regulation by attempt against the dignity of diputados of VOX and the Senator for Ceuta, Yolanda Merelo.

The content of the pMackerels' responses exceed what is accepted in the parliamentary game and so VOX warns. For training, it is about texts in the what, "adeplus of be patent disrespect, cutyesto or decorum, all kinds of slander, insults are spilled, and teavexatious terms”. They arrive even, based on assumptions and falsehoods, to incite once plus to the hatred of a part of the populationion against elected representatives of VOX with phrases such as: "These individuals, who seem extraitwo of an unknown species devoid of human attributes mores elementals, acyoustill like uteanntic fanaCosta Ricans called to a month fightonly to purify humanity by eliminating, or failing to confine, those who do noteucleanliness requirementsofestablished by themselves as superiors. This pitiful setbacksor heTico is already part of our daily landscape”. Manifestations extracted from the pMackerel's suggestion about reprobacion of the senadora Yolanda Merelo, where they continue to say that VOX is a "racist, macho and xe speechnotfobor".

He pA spokesperson for the Caballas Group states that the VOX members not only do not care about a certain barrio de Ceuta, like Plaughncipe Alfonso, but they come to state that "andhe VOX Group, showing its indisputable racism and its intolerable phobia towards the inhabitants of this neighborhood, announcedio pupublicly his oppositionion to the project consideredranoting it as unnecessary and calling the work a wasteor". Arguments that, for VOX, have a clear objective such as "to burst the plenum."

"It is evident that the Caballas Group, whose lider meets every time plus isolated and questioned by several procedural accusations and accusations for crimes of threats and corruption.ion, look once mores to destroy plenary normality with this type of proposal aimed at provoking the deputies present in the Assembly”Says VOX. In addition, the party warns that it is intended to break "the normal development of the plenary sessions in a manifest example of their already undisguised lack of respect towards the rest of the drepresentatives of the Assembly and by the institutionion democraEthics in which your ggroup pArliamentarian hardly has a presence anymore".

Request to the court to apply the precautionary measures that weigh on Alí

For these reasons, and in anticipation possible ofsórdenes caused by the Caballas Group and its representative in the Assembly, is why VOX has requested the protection of the Table, as well as has submitted a written jThe judge in charge of investigating the complaint filed by the members of the VOX Group against Mohamed Ali for threats and attacks against the authorities. A process to which I know has attached two proposals and in which it is requested that the precautionary measures that weigh on the accused be executed and guarantee what, low ningún concept, can establish communicationion with the dVOX representatives, thus preventing further harassment, insults and threats with the excuse of their plenary activity.

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