The Spain Journal

VOX asks the Executive why medical equipment was not purchased from Spanish companies that were cheaper

The Senator of VOX for the Autonomous City of Ceuta, Yolanda Merelo, has asked the Executive in the Senate about the purchases that the Ministry of Health, through Ingesa, has made of sanitary material, and for which it has paid very low prices. higher than those that would have been disbursed if they had bought from Spanish companies.

The senator, in her letter, denounces the price differences between national and foreign companies that "are abysmal in many cases." Specifically, the senator explains that the contracted Spanish companies sell disposable or waterproof gowns with prices between 0.27 – 1.86 euros compared to Chinese companies that do so at 15.58 and 22.07 euros. Another contract, dated March 23, with Suministros Hospitalarios SA of 606,200 disposable robes at 0.278 euros / unit for 168,705.46 against an agreement with Weihai Textile Group Import & Sport, Ltd. for an amount of 11.03 million euros in exchange for 500,000 robes disposable, whose unit price is 22.07 euros.

Merelo also exemplifies in his question with the difference in prices in the purchase of sanitizing gels: the Spanish Mixer & Pack, SL sells its gels at 3,058 euros / liter, while the China Shandong Liangfu Pharmaceuticals Co. Ltd. is priced at 0.832e / liter, which supposes a difference of 354%.

Given these evidences, the senator requires the Executive to explain why the contracts with Spanish companies were not signed from the outset, if they offered better prices. In addition, he asked if there are intermediaries in these operations, and if so, to explain who the intermediaries are and if they meet the essential characteristics such as previous experience in contracting and acquiring medical equipment.

This training filed a complaint this week for prevarication, embezzlement and fraud against those responsible for government health purchases.

On the other hand, Merelo has asked about the health workers who, during the Coronavirus crisis, have assumed an attitude of risk and total dedication to their profession and to Spain. Specifically, the senator wants to know how the government will reward these professionals. And he asks if it would not be fair, in addition to applauding the guild every day at 8:00 p.m., granting an extra remuneration of 20%, as this training has proposed since the beginning of the crisis.

Regarding medical students, the senator asks if the work of the students who have been at the forefront in the battle against the Coronavirus could be recognized and their work as special merits in job boards, scales for future oppositions and in all those contests related to obtaining jobs.

Along the same lines, Merelo has asked the Executive: Are you going to count on your collaboration to reinforce Primary Care, which in this phase of de-escalation will make a great effort in the words of Fernando Simón and in the event of a possible outbreak of the pandemic?

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