VOX Bullas regrets the unconfirmed information that is being freely disseminated against this party and its pedan mayor in La Copa de Bullas, José Juan Fernández, and reproaches the PSOE for the misappropriation it is making of public institutions.
According to Fernández, "the municipality of Bullas approached the DGA (General Water Directorate) to request a project and budget, and that same day I requested the pertinent information on that summons without obtaining a response", and adds: "After three weeks , and without any prior clarification, I met with Sebastián Delgado, director of the DGA, to know first-hand what status the application was in and Delgado informed me, surprised that he was not aware of having received any application in this regard and that said procedure it corresponded to the consistory for having full powers with the potable water of the municipality ”.
From VOX we are strongly opposed to the omission of information that has been made with our pediatrician, as has already been denounced on other occasions, even having to request protection from the Ombudsman and the Council of Transparency and Good Government, this being favorable .
"It is unacceptable that a problem of this nature, and that generates so much concern among the residents of La Copa, does not suppose an urgency for the Government team", underlines the mayor of VOX, who explains: "For three weeks I have waited for a report As a representative of my neighbors and I am not going to sit idly by: in the face of the improvisation of the social-communist government, VOX does propose measures and solutions that put an end to the low flow of water ”.
Specifically, the pediatric refers to a problem in which at certain times the water does not reach all the homes, in addition to being pipes with more than fifty years of fiber cement (with the asbestos component, which is of high carcinogenic risk) . "By ignoring this problem and omitting relevant information, the city council is only trying to maneuver so that its incompetence becomes a VOX failure," Fernández commented.
From VOX we remember that the fact of presenting a project and budget request to the DGA does not exempt the responsibility of the municipal corporation of the PSOE of Bullas to solve the problem for which it has full responsibility and where the DGA is not competent: " The only thing they achieve is to confuse the population by making them believe that the competences are held by the DGA, when this is not the case, ”concludes the pediatric mayor.
Finally, VOX highlights that since the publication on social networks for the knowledge of the neighbors, the newspaper 'La Verdad' has reinforced the position of the council by joining its manipulation and without contrasting the information, since, indeed, our pediatrician did not receive in no time the defendant report.