It still seems that the length of time of the problem and the difficulty in solving it still does not interest the Municipal Government. It is necessary to find definitive solutions to the eternal urban conflict of the Marjalería taking advantage of the wording of the new PGOU, a unique opportunity to solve some neighbors to whom no one gives legal certainty for the future of their homes.
VOX, with his councilor Luciano Ferrer up front, look for those solutions with the neighbors.
Today, Ferrer has met with another series of neighbors to continue analyzing the "Strategic Environmental and Territorial Declaration" (DATE) issued favorably in July by the Commission for Environmental Assessment of the Department of Agriculture, Rural Development, Climate Emergency and Ecological Transition, with the aim to introduce modifications to the documentation in the General Structural Plan, following the criteria of the aforementioned declaration and thus advance in the definitive approval of the new urban plan.
The difficulties are many, Ferrer He already announced, last week, that Incorporating the conditions imposed by the DATE into the PGOU is not going to be an easy task, especially due to the discrepancies arising from the conditions imposed.
The councilor of VOX that the modifications to be made in the Detailed Management Plan are many and there are no unified criteria between neighborhood associations, affected parties and the City Council.
By last, Luciano Ferrer, continues to denounce the lack of interest of the different administrations in solving the "Marjalería conflict" and fears that the opportunity offered by the drafting of the new PGOU will be wasted.