The Spain Journal

VOX denounces the departure of the PGE for Foreign Affairs: cut in assistance to Spaniards abroad but more spending on personnel

Less money for assistance to Spaniards abroad and three million for office supplies in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs is what the General State Budgets (PGE) contemplate for 2021. This has been denounced today by the VOX senator for Murcia, Jose Manuel Marin, during the Appearance appearance of the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs and for Ibero-America and the Caribbean, Cristina Gallach Figueras.

The senator has described as «crazy "that these budgets allocate 483 euros to each employee of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs for office supplies. "How is this huge expense justified?" He asked. In addition, an increase of one billion in personnel expenses is contemplated. «What Spain does not need is to increase more than 1,000 million the item to total personnel expenses, to positions of trust, senior positions and temporary personnel«, Has sentenced.

Marín has been even more critical of the cut suffered by the departure for social and health care for Spaniards abroad. Specifically, Concept 493 Protection of Spaniards abroad: social assistance, evacuations, hospitalizations and repatriations, what it goes from having a budget of 2.3 million euros to 1.9 million euros.

In summary, the PGE Project «aims to prioritize the increase in contributions made by Spain to international organizations of all kinds, as well as to internal transfers, to the clear detriment of items that had previously enjoyed large budgetary support, such as assistance from all kinds of Spaniards abroad, ”concluded the senator.

Placement offices for friends

The senator explained what should have been the priorities of the Executive in the PGE: "Reduce superfluous spending, eliminate administrative duplications and end subsidies to political parties, unions and ideological bars." However, the Executive has chosen to "increase spending in a crazy way."

The senator has taken advantage of his turn to speak to explain the "uselessness of presenting partial amendments to some budgets that have already been previously agreed with Sánchez's investiture partners." "In general, they are a cut and paste of the previous ones without worrying too much about sharpening the pencil and adjusting to the real economic possibilities of the nation after the COVID crisis," he pointed out.

In short, "they are budgets that divert a large amount of resources to the progressive ideological agenda and not to solve the real problems of the Spanish", that is, "they serve to create employment offices for friends and those related to the ideology they want to implement. , creating a clientelistic network for this ».

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