Defend, against this “the usefulness of the Parental Pin so that families can use their freedom to choose the best education for their children”
Seville, February 21, 2020. The spokesperson of the VOX Municipal Group in the City Council of Espartinas, Rafael García Ortiz, said Friday that “we are going to oppose with all our strength the attempt of ideological and sexist indoctrination that the City Council intends to impose in the public educational centers of the municipality" García Ortiz has referred to the municipal project that proposes “indoctrinating sexist and ideological behaviors in children of the progress that they sell us as a solution to a difficult problem that they are unable to tackle with their raised and failed laws ”. The Municipal spokesman has pointed out that “after these politicized projects we find ourselves once again with the crux of the matter; the mayor returns to benefit from public subsidies, everyone's money, only for a few, to transfer to the minors questions of a marked ideological character that many parents are not willing to impose on our children, restricting the freedom of families to choose the best education, because they don't quite understand that the children are educated at home in matters of values and the schools and institutes must limit themselves to impart the own matters that have always corresponded to them ”. "All of the above, we will defend the Parental PIN as insurance and prevention in the education of our children, before the destructive seed of values and influences, harmful to society. Violence has no gender and must be prosecuted equally; these measures are unconstitutional since article 14 indicates that we are all the same ”. Rafael García Ortiz has shown “in favor of the mobilization of the parents so that they know that there is an instrument to avoid the indoctrination of the children, so that they can use their freedom against the imposition of the City Council and the educational authorities”, it is finished. |