The Spain Journal

VOX Granada opens its headquarters this Saturday to meet the high demand for membership applications

VOX will open its headquarters in Granada tomorrow -Saturday, October 24- due to the high demand for membership applications in recent days and after receiving numerous expressions of support from Grenadians for the Motion of Censorship presented by the VOX Parliamentary Group in Congress of the Deputies and that our national president, Santiago Abascal defended.

Since Thursday afternoon, after the vote on the Censorship Motion, the telephones enabled for customer service have been collapsed by inquiries from Grenadians interested in joining VOX and to express their outrage at the unjustifiable cowardice of the PP, which voted against evicting the social-communist leaders of PSOE and Podemos from the government.

For this reason, the Provincial Executive Committee of VOX has decided to open the Granada headquarters, located in Paseo del Salón number 7 2ºD, this Saturday, October 24 from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m., to serve all those interested in joining or receive information.

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