May 14, 2020
From VOX Malaga we demand that the city councils of the province reduce or eliminate the municipal taxes linked to economic activities for businesses and companies. In addition, we ask for the suspension of municipal payments to SMEs and the extension of the facilities to the Temporary Employment Regulation Files (ERTE).
"At this time we have to help small and medium businesses, the self-employed and families from Malaga, that is why from VOX Malaga we consider a roadmap to be taken into account as essential", explained the provincial president, José Enrique Lara . Among the measures that we propose are:
- Suspend, if it has not already been done, the collection of the public occupation rate of tables and chairs, as well as the fee for the provision of market services and those applicable to extraordinary markets, street markets, street markets and any other type of non-sedentary sale.
- Create a line of direct aid to refloat the self-employed and companies that have ceased their activity.
- Increase the current IBI Subsidy for pensioners who do not exceed the Interprofessional Minimum Wage from 15% to 50% in the total annual income computation resulting from the sum of all the cohabitants.
- Create a tax contingency plan to reduce tax burdens for families most affected by the coronavirus pandemic.
- Prepare and approve a Plan to Reduce Superfluous Expenditure in which, during the financial year 2020, all non-essential needs and budget items not executed that are unnecessary for the fight against the health crisis are suspended. In addition to suspending subsidies to unions, business organizations, political parties, municipal political groups, and associations or entities whose activity is not commercial in nature and is not directly linked to guaranteeing employment, health, citizen security, food or housing of the most needy.
- Dedicate the provincial surplus exclusively to mitigate the effects of the health crisis and the state of alarm.