The Spain Journal

VOX questions the Ingesa protocol that takes care of emergency patients, including babies, in the corridors

The new protocol for attending emergencies at the University Hospital of Ceuta has already caused more than one controversy. One of the most worrying cases that has been reported, through the media, has been that of a three-month-old baby whose crib was left in the middle of a corridor between the general and pediatric consultations. Mother and daughter spent six hours in the corridor, this being a major source of contagion when doctors, nurses, orderlies, or sick people came by.

Faced with this situation, the national deputy of VOX for Ceuta, Teresa López, has addressed directly to the Government of Sánchez, which holds the powers in Health, to ask for explanations. Thus, the Ceuta parliamentarian has asked what type of protocol Ingesa has established for the care of patients without Covid-19 pathologies so that they are treated in a corridor. And it is that, López emphasizes, the number of admitted due to contagion did not exceed 20 when this happened while the hospital has 252 beds installed and 25% of them in individual rooms, in addition to having a pediatric hospitalization that has the possibility of admission of the minor with one of his parents. Available means that, for VOX, should make it possible for patients to not be seen in the middle of a corridor.

In addition, after the complaints from the Medical Union about the work overload that professionals are suffering in recent months, López insists on whether the Government is going to increase the staff of emergencies and other categories of professionals. "Is Ingesa going to create a specific area for Covid patients in the University Hospital to avoid the loss of the Pediatric area?", Asks the deputy.

Previous appointments with the GP

However, the problems in caring for Ceuta patients do not end at the hospital. Also in health centers there have been complaints about how difficult it was to get an appointment or for the doctor to attend by phone. For this reason, last July, López registered a battery of questions addressed to the Government to find out why Ingesa had not planned a transitional plan in the system of scheduled appointments and why, if there was a lack of personnel, it had not planned to supply those shortcomings.

Now, the Executive of Sánchez has answered that “las dysfunctionalities that may have occurred with the appointment system previous in Ceuta have been settled". "Users of health centers of Ceuta have at their disposalion three ways to make an appointment to meetntion TVphoneica: the application mobilel call 'INGESA appointment', the website and the via TVfounique. However, it is that the Ceuta continue to have problems, above all, to renew prescriptions and there is a delay of one week to get an appointment.

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